More over twenty thousand people visited the 18th international exhibition “Electric networks of Russia2015”. During theoretical and practical conferences, round-table discussions, seminars and meetings the companies were discussing the questions concerning increasing of reliability network facilities, problems of import substitution and cost reduction - the difficult economic situation has influenced on all spheres. So that it is also concerns one of the most important elements of electricity transmission line - glass insulators.
The glass insulators of CJSC "UMEK" are well-known at market. The representatives of design, construction and operating organizations got interested in the new products of Russian plant.
The linear suspended glass disc insulators with an aerodynamic profile insulation details - U 120BA and pin glass insulators made of tempered glass type SHS 20ED and SST 20ED were demonstrated at the exhibition.
All commercially available production CJSC "UMEK" is certified at PAO “Rosseti” and recommended for exploitation on a network objects. The specialists of the company "UMEK GROUP”, which supplies insulators of the plant "UMEK", conducted negotiations with representatives of the exploiting and construction companies during these four days of the exhibition.
The production of Russian manufacturer have received good responses of the experts, reached agreement on further cooperation.