Visiting expert assessment of the testing laboratory of ZAO "UMEK" was carried out so that to detect the requirements of the interstate standard GOST ISO /IEC 17025-2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories".
The evaluation was conducted by an expert group (the expert on accreditation and technical expert) of the Federal service for accreditation.
Extract from the final act: "as a result of conducting of works on confirmation of competence of the accredited person to accreditation criteria, the expert group considered: testing laboratory of ZAO"UMEK" meets the criteria for accreditation and the requirements of GOST ISO /IEC 17025-2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories", which are the documents in the field of standardization, compliance with which the accredited person ensures compliance to accreditation criteria".
The conclusion of the expert group confirms that the Testing laboratory of ZAO "UMEK" has already been ready to finish the planned work on the extension of the field of accreditation in the near future.